Friday, September 7, 2007


Wow I really did not know it had been so long. We are great here. Glenn and I have been very busy here but we are doing well! I have been working and going to school. I also have taken some senior pictures and I took my wonderful nephews pictures for their three year and six month. I had a lot of fun I just hope that they all like them. I have order my studio equipment and it should be here Monday! I am really excited. I will put some of my pics on here! If you need pics done let me know and I will see what I can do! Well got to work in the morning then go to Athens for an Art festival! Good Night and lots-of-love!
Aunt HA-HA


Ruby said...

Glad to hear you are getting all of the equipment you need. I just might have to call on you to do some "grand" pictures for me.